domingo, 29 de agosto de 2010

Personality, Perception and Attribution + Attitudes and Values

The understanding of the personality, perceptions, attributions, attitudes and values appears as variables that shape dynamics and synergies, is one of the most important skills required nowadays for managers.

Managers can use the interactional psychology to understand the behavior. This type of studies will understand behavior as a result from the interaction, the active individual and personal differences. In particular these differences can be put together in the concept of personality, making reference to the individual’s characteristics determined by heredity and the individual’s environment.

About personality it is possible to find different types of theories (here is a video about different approaches of personality:, that help us to understand more the individual’s characteristics and its implications within the organization. For this reason, theories are like tools for managers to create a more comprehensive image about its subordinates and its colleagues and to create more appropriate organizational strategies.

In this way managers have tools to evaluate and to estimate individuals’ characteristics: locus of control, self-esteem, self-efficacy, self-monitoring and positive/negative affect. As for instance, locus of control makes reference to the ability to control events that affect them; this location of control can be internal or external, being the first one that the persons believes that they can control their life and the second type of person thinks that there is a superior force, as environment or higher power, that control life.

This gives to the employer the possibility to identify profiles for his/her employee according to these characteristics, plus other elements as self-esteem, self-efficacy and self-monitoring. This happens because within the organization there are a lot of activities and duties that not necessarily are for all type of persons.

Personality gives to each one a way to distinguish to others creating perceptions as a way in which others perceive you and yourself. In this relation it is possible to identify the perceiver and the target in the research, which is influenced by the mental prospects from each one, with some barriers as stereotypes, errors and judgments.

In this way in the organization it is possible to suffer some type of selective perception, first-impression error, projection, self-fulfilling prophecy and impression management, which affects organizational results.

The members from an organization can have a dispositional attribution or situational attribution to explain certain behavior. In the organizational environment this variable is important to explain successes or failures.

Attitudes are related completely with a psychological tendency of individuals and their behaviors that can be understood as representations of degree of like or dislike for an item. Attitudes are composed by three components (the ABC Model), the Affective, Behavioral and Cognition. They can be result from direct experiences or social learning. The direct experience makes reference of acquiring attitudes for yourself and the social learning is about how the interaction with family, groups and organizations teach you how should be your psychological tendency.

Finally, in individual behavior there is the issue of the beliefs of which are the preferable conducts, represented in values. At the organizational level, the achievement, concern for others, honesty and fairness are one of the most share values, but troubles can arise when we talk about the cultural differences between the members.

Pygmalion Effect

When we talk about the expectations within the organization, the relationship between the perceiver’s expectation and target’s expectation it is necessary to talk about the Pygmalion effect. This effect refers to the phenomenon in which a greater expectation placed on a person, in employees especially, will produce a better perform. Here is possible to find a video related to the Pygmalion Effect which explains in a properly way, explaining a case in which teachers made the experiment with students to prove the theory:

Many research of this phenomenon have been conducted in teachers and students, in different types of educational levels. In social studies is possible to find studies where this effect is called as “Self-fulfilling prophecy” by Merton (1948) and the studies from Robert Rosenthal and Lenore Jacobson (1968). These last ones were one of the most representatives of this theory making a lot of studies with children and teachers at school, making tests in real schools and psychological laboratories.

Some say that the Pygmalion Effect is one type of self-fulfilling prophecy, considered as a phenomenon that involves a person or group of people acting in accordance with the expectations of another. The denomination of this effect was done by Rosenthal (1968) using the word “Pygmalion” to make reference to the Greek story in which Pygmalion fell in love with a sculpture named Galatea, and he’s expectations were realized when Galatea came to live (Kierein & Gold, 2000).

He showed principally that if teachers were conducted to enhance performance over some children, in a period of time children will show that improvement. One of the principally intentions was to prove the idea that reality could be influenced by the expectations of others. In some cases were unexpected findings about the Pygmalion Effect, in which teachers’ expectations might affect pupils’ intellectual development, because teachers described those children in whom intellectual growth was expected were described as more interesting, curious and happy, that could be seen as more adjusted and friendly, as with less need for social approval, considered more autonomous.

In conclusion of these tests was that in any way the positive expectations can beneficiate the performance and improvement of people. This theory can be considered as an important matter to consider by managers. Traditional management styles, based on bureaucracy, that see the organization as a machine that do not include social studies and consideration may ignore the potential to create value for the organization.

Implications, uses and challenges in Organizations

The Pygmalion Effect has been applied to different type of organizations, not only for students in classrooms as in the beginning, but more in particular groups as adults, women, military forces, non-work environments, in the experimental laboratory, for aid-projects, and others (Kierein & Gold, 2000). At the organizational level, the Pygmalion Effect has just been proved by some scholars as Eden & Ravid (1982), Eden & Shani (1982) and King (1971) according to Kierein & Gold (2002), increasing gradually.

In these studies at organizational level was possible to identify that is more impacting the leadership than the supervisor’s expectancy by itself. At the same time communication is one of the main elements for leadership behavior. The confidence in subordinates by managers leads to have high expectations as to their performance. This confidence makes reference to not be disappointed by the subordinate, expecting much and not little. For that reason the manager should link the leadership behavior with a better communication, making emphasis in the performance expectations generating the space for the Pygmalion Effect (Eden, Self-Fulfilling Prophecy as a Management Tool: Harnessing Pygmalion, 1984).

According to Eden (1984) the special treatment given by managers to employees, caused for the higher expectations, would create a feeling of overpayment. For that reason employees would be motivated to justify the “high reward” and to reduce the “dissonance” improving performance. The combination of expectancy and equity process will increase motivation, later increasing performance. This is possible understand better in the next image above.

Font: (Eden, Self-Fulfilling Prophecy as a Management Tool: Harnessing Pygmalion, 1984)

Other uses or strategies proposed by Eden, involving leadership is awareness of the effects of employees’ self-efficacy, the reduction of the occurrence of low expectations, setting challenging goals to communicate to subordinates that they are considered as capable of achieving those goals and the capitalization of the organizational changes to induce positive expectancies (Kierein & Gold, 2000).

However, it is important to understand in the matter of setting goals the role of manager and the characteristics of these goals. Goals should be hard but that are tangible goals to create high expectations but in a realistic way (Eden, Pygmalion, Goal Setting, and Expectancy: Compatible Ways to Boost Productivity, 1988).

In this way is possible to understand that there is much evidence that people learn from the structure of their environment, reacting from the way the environment suggests that they should (Kierein & Gold, 2000). Managers also should understand also that the expectations from external environment could affect the internal expectations in other ways as the diverse cultural contexts.

Organizations operating at the international level should understand the importance of expectations in productivity, as the differences between each culture. Expectation is based on beliefs, and each individual would shape its beliefs based on their own culture. The leadership and communication for each culture should be different in the cultural differences but similar in the organizational strategies.

As for instance people at work they can be very individualistic and collectivistic according to the situation and it is not fixed for everyone, influencing the culture of each one. And the issue about the relationship between national and organizational culture, the Pygmalion Effect could explain as for instance in how cultural profiles from national culture affect the expectations of managers within the organizational culture. When you are dealing with cultural and other type of diversity, there would be in anyway disagreements. However, the different identities can be positioned and re-positioned in a finite number of social structures, as for instance individualistic to collectivistic, power distance to egalitarian, and global to local. When you as manager extents those points of reference to be socially shared within the organization, people at work can navigate others cultural landscape (Car, 2004) and could practice them allowing the increase of performance.


Car, S. C. (2004). Culture. In S. C. Car, Globalization and culture at work, Exploring their combined Glocality (pp. 21 - 47 ). Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Eden, D. (1988). Pygmalion, Goal Setting, and Expectancy: Compatible Ways to Boost Productivity. The Academy of Management Review , 13 (4), 639-652.

Eden, D. (1984). Self-Fulfilling Prophecy as a Management Tool: Harnessing Pygmalion. The Academy of Management Review , 9 (1), 64-73.

Kierein, N. M., & Gold, M. A. (2000). Pygmalion in Work Organizations: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Organizational Behavior , 21 (8), 913-928.

Rosenthal, R. (2002). The Pygmalion Effect and Its Mediating Mechanisms. In J. M. Aronson, Improving academic achievement: impact of psychological factors on education (pp. 25 - 35). Riverside: Emerald Group Publishing.

lunes, 23 de agosto de 2010

Organizational behavior + national and organizational culture

When we talk about culture and organizations the first issue to deal with can be the organizational behavior. This analyzes the individual behavior and group dynamics particularly, studying at different levels as individually, group and organizational, with focus in the psychological, interpersonal and different types of behavioral dynamics within the organization.

In the study of the human behavior, there have been different types of studies to understand the complexity of human psyche. It is possible to find studies focused on internal perspectives to give explanation for our behavior, focused on our psychodynamics. By the other hand there are some scholars focused in the importance of external events that shape human conducts, as factors to which we are subjected to.

However, people do not tend to be on the extremes, and it is necessary to be more balanced. As for instance, it is not true to say that the only motivation to work is the need of personal achievement or just the money. This is why within this discipline there are a lot of interdisciplinary influences to find a solution to this contradiction, as for instance from psychology, sociology, engineering, anthropology, management and event medicine.

But these disciplines have been inserting concepts and tools not just to the study of the individual psychodynamics, also to the group interactions. Understanding that organizations are social entities in which there are interactions, with a goal that guides the course of action, deliberately structured, in an environment, makes that organizational behavior is more complex than just the sum of individual psyches. The organization can be explain also in metaphors, as clockwork or a snake pit, but another time human behavior is not on the extremes. One thing is what is on paper, as the formal organization that should be. Another is the informal entity that is more attached to its values, beliefs, feelings and attitudes, and what actually the organization is.

Challenges diversity, globalization, multiculturalism, ethical and moral standards have been creating pressure on people’s behavior. Understanding the role of culture, the importance of study the national culture and its influence in businesses, the organizational culture that can be in every organization and how to asses organizational culture are new issues arising in organization matters.

The understanding of national culture is a matter for a lot of multinational companies. Generalization and stereotypes should be avoided to create real competitive advantages base on the awareness of the importance of national culture doing businesses. Having consciousness of manners and customs, social structures, communication, attitudes towards time, work and cultural change, for a company can give advantage over other competitors.

At the same time, knowing about national culture is not enough. The knowledge about the organizational culture of a organization can give guidelines to understand behaviors and make a better internal and external integration. The organizational culture allows to a company to understand how to do things and to define procedures, leadership and working conditions; how to be consistency and be capable of adapt your organization to change, as the top-down and bottom-up vision would be define within organizational culture.

Business implications of national and organizational culture

AB InBev[1] it is one of the most known beer companies around the world, created in 1999 with the merger of two Brazilian companies, Antartica and Brahma, merging later with other Belgian company, Interbrew, continuing growing with new acquisitions and mergers. At these days, the company is owned and directed in a majority by Brazilians, but it is main factories for the European markets are located at Belgium.

This company has been a case of study, according to media and general opinions because Brazilian style management has brought confrontations at the local level in factories. The organizational culture brought by Brazilians to Belgium producers and workers has been generating cultural problems within the organization, a management focused on profitability and the impact of decisions at the stock market. As for instance, before the Brazilian acquisition all employees were allowed to carry out some beers, even to drink during work time at factories; with the new management there were a lot of changes in which was not take into account the national culture, generating a big uncomfortable situation, that in long term has been creating a bad image of the company, affecting its European consumers’ perceptions.


Here is an interesting video about this case:

Other case talking about national and organizational culture can be studied at the level of any local, national or multinational organization operating in Brazil during the World Cup in 2010. During the matches, all type of companies had to make a lot of contingency plans to deal with the issue of watching the games and avoiding absenteeism. This happens because within Brazilian national culture, soccer has a crucial role in their social life, that can be compare as a religion, that any type of match should be assisted, or if not would be a matter of huge stress. According with a survey done to 659 enterprises, 85% suffered a low in their productivity, with a 67% diminution of efficiency of their employees[3]. What can managers do to deal with this type of situations? That is why in some many cases managers organized ‘parties’ at the work place[4]. These parties had as main issue how to avoid that employees waste time going to their places, giving them the opportunity to assist the match at the office, in some cases with food and beer. Which means a contradiction with the last case AB InBev, where Brazilians prohibited to Belgian producers to consume at the factory, but they can do it just in special cases, but the main issue is that is mandatory for everyone to watch the game. Like in religious dogmas, if you do not watch it, you should not be in Brazil.

A new company, a new culture

Usually individuals as a social agents organize themselves in groups, getting together for a common purpose. However, to let a group continues through time usually there would be an institutionalization and consolidation by the creation of an organization. When we talk about an organization is more than a simple grouping of individuals with a common purpose, where usually the leaders of the organization would be conducting the others and themselves all as a machine. For that reason, leaders pass all these ideas to paper in order to create main guidelines to the members of the organization.

These guidelines, as general instructions, managerial style of leaders and members’ dynamism would create a culture within the organization. As Schein (1984) says, founders have an important task in the process of creating and shaping the cultural paths putting their visions, defining how the organization should interact with the world from their point of view. So in that way, every organization should have a culture to interact as a group within their communities. Without a define culture the organization could be compare as a machine that does not have screws tight perfectly and any bad movement could damage and break it.

If we understand organizational culture as Schein, is as a pattern of basic assumptions that a specific group invented, discovered and developed in the process of learning how to deal with internal and external adaptation, working well and considered as valid, being teach to new members of the group as a the correct way of perceiving, thinking and feeling related with the problems of adjustment. From this perception almost every organization has its own beliefs and values to “do things” that are passed to all members.

What can be different from the organization A, to the organization B, is how strong its culture is. We can identify companies as General Electric, a multinational company which during more than a century has been creating leaders within the organization, which allows them to cover a lot of business units around the world, tighten by its organizational culture[5]. There are a lot of companies as Procter & Gamble, Toyota, Southwest Airlines and others that have been creating through time a strong culture.

However, this culture can be modified principally by its own leaders. There is an important link between leadership and organizational culture. According to Schein (1986) the leader is the one on charge of creating, building, sustaining and evolving the organization. That is why is so important for every company within the organization the continuity of creation’s leadership but oriented to organization’s strategies.

The implications of being a leader within the organizations show the importance of management to defined goal-directed strategies thinking the leadership as a managerial tool and not as personal skill used for individual purposes. Leaders can work for own benefits without taking into account what the organization would like to be, or what owners would like to keep. A bad leader can lead the company to bankruptcy, not necessarily economically; the worst are the ones where organizational culture brakes in pieces together with gaps and patches that in the long term would give less consistency to the organization, affecting its existence.

Schein, E. (1984). Coming to a New Awareness of Organizational Culture. MITSloan Management Review , 25 (2), 3-16.

Schein, E. H. (1986). Organizational culture and leadership. San Francisco: John Wiley and Sons.